Ace of Spades HQ. September 0. 7, 2. Fled Pakistani IT Worker, Wife of Imran Awan, Strikes Deal with DOJ; Will Return to US and Face Charges—Ace. In exchange for testimony? That's what we'd hope, but I doubt that's true. As the media is now the primary institution for suppressing the truth and colleges now the primary vehicles for punishing questioning or proposing new ideas, the Department of Justice is now focused mainly on covering up crimes.

Hina Alvi is the wife of Imran Awan, and both face charges of conspiracy and bank fraud. I Want To Watch The Full Movie Of The Salvation (2015) there. Both worked for Democrats for several years, and Awan worked directly for Rep.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D- Fla., when she was chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee. District Court for the District of Columbia indicates that federal prosecutors have struck a deal with Alvi that would allow her to return to the U. S., but would also require her to surrender her passport and afterwards not book any international travel.

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The deal only surrounds how Alvi will turn herself in, and is structured so that she can avoid being arrested in front of her children when she returns to the U. S., . Capitol Police found the laptop after midnight April 6, 2.

Rayburn House Office Building, according to a Capitol Police report reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation's Investigative Group. Alongside the laptop were a Pakistani ID card, copies of Awan's driver's license and congressional ID badge, and letters to the U. S. Police also found notes in a composition notebook marked . Still, it's good to see that the pushback is finally starting to arrive. Remember when Castro kicked the bucket and they partied for 3 days in Miami? Democratic Party: We're so brain- dead, we're on track to completely destroy ourselves by 2.

Libertarian Party: Hold my beer: (I guess it should come as no surprise that the name of the author of the referenced article is 'Imad- ad- Dean Ahmed')OK, this is funny: Close it up. Posted by Oregon. Muse at 1. 1: 3. 7 AMComments. Mid- Morning Open Thread—CBDA Boy and a Girl with a Cat and an Eel. Judith Leyster. My first thought was that this is a spoof, but a quick look at some of the artist's other work reassured me that she was simply a lunatic with a fine eye for capturing oddities on canvas. And She was a damned fine artist.

In a strange way she reminds me of some of the great commercial artists of the 2. Cappiello because of the facial expressions of some of her subjects. Sefton. Good morning kids. Again, Hurricane Irma is up front. It slammed into the Caribbean yesterday and essentially wiped out Barbuda and St.

I also saw a report that Richard Branson's mansion was wiped out while he was hunkered down in a concrete wine cellar. It's heading towards Puerto Rico and then Florida, where the mayor of Miami has ordered an evacuation. Please, please, please stay safe and get out of harm's way.

On the home front, President Trump snubbed the GOP wing of the Deep State and dealt directly with its masterminds. He yucked it up with his new BFFs Nancy and Chuck to plunge the nation deeper into society- destroying debt in exchange for a few crumbs for Harvey relief. There's more! Now that DACA has been kicked down the road for six months, there's still zero funding for the border wall. AND, as an extra special bonus, ol' Chuck is demanding that full- fledged Amnesty be passed and that he's going to tie it to every piece of legislation going forward. Someone please remind me again about the results of every down- ticket election since 2.

If you read Ann Coulter's column, it's obvious that it was written perhaps a few days ago. I'm sure she must be pleased with the turn of events (sarc).

I realize that Donald Trump is a . But he rode a tidal wave of anger and got elected by millions of people who want to see the planned dissolution of America by unchecked immigration stopped. Much of that electorate also wants to see the Federal government defunded and defanged, but it seems that he does not seem to get that part.

Some of his instincts have been great and yet he appears tone deaf to the real state of the union. If the GOP is stonewalling your agenda, do you think you're going to score points by sucking up to the Democrats?! I can't guarantee that what happened would not have occurred had Bannon and all the other outsiders not been purged. But it is happening and those that are surrounding him are the insiders that PDT railed and ran against. Oh well. Some other tidbits; it seems as if Imran Awan allegedly wanted Moldi- Locks' laptop to be discovered.

Fusion GPS' boss told a congressional committee to essentially FOAD and there are reports that the Nor. K threat is deadlier than we might imagine. Well at least Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States. Then again, if we keep plucking this chicken, there won't be a United States.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed. Sefton at 0. 7: 0. AMComments. Wednesday Overnight Open Thread (9/6/1. Mid Week Edition —Misanthropic Humanitarian(No argument here)Continue reading*****Quotes of The Day.

Quote IMuslims are allowed to get away with almost anything. They can shut down and intimidate prominent ex- Muslims. They’re allowed to engage in the most brazen anti- semitism, even as they run for office in European left- wing political parties. And, of course, politicians and the media routinely turn a blind eye to the kind of sexism and homophobia that would instantly end the career of a non- Muslim conservative — and perhaps get the latter arrested for hate speech when he dared to object.

Milo Yiannopoulos Quote III believe in an America where the free enterprise system flourishes for all other systems to see and admire — where no businessman lacks either competition or credit — and where no monopoly, no racketeer, no government bureaucracy can put him out of business that he built up with his own initiative. Kennedy. Quote IIIWe must forgive our enemies. I can truly say that not a day has passed since the war began that I have not prayed for them. General Robert E. Lee. Quote IV“Jake Sullivan, my top policy advisor, told me it reminded him of a scene from the 1.

There’s Something About Mary. A deranged hitchhiker says he’s come up with a brilliant plan.

Instead of the famous . Then the driver, played by Ben Stiller, says, . We would propose a bold infrastructure investment plan or an ambitious new apprenticeship program for young people, and then Bernie would announce basically the same thing, but bigger. On issue after issue, it was like he kept proposing four- minute abs, or no minute abs. Hillary (Who will never be POTUS) Clinton*****2. Russian babes you don't want to mess with)*****Dark ending comics by The Perry Bible Fellowship. Twisted and dark and so you have been warned.

It tackles difficult topics head- on, and some of the most common themes include irony, religion, sexuality, war, science fiction, suicide, violence, and death. The idea of the ? If the NFL was honest with you. Humor is built in truth.

Of course the American MSM isn't covering it. The Rohingya conflict, which erupted between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar's western Rakhine state in late August. And guess whose fingers are in it? Meanwhile, the Burma Task Force, which comprises a number of organizations funded by George Soros, has been actively operating in Myanmar since 2. Driving too fast for conditions?

Failure to yield/stop at a controlling sign? Inattentive driving? Nope, global warming is.

Study Blames Global Warming, Not Cell Phones, For Spike In Car Accident Deaths. Global warming was responsible for thousands of road deaths in 2. As temperatures continue to increase from heat- trapping gases in the atmosphere, road deaths will likely increase more than expected unless there are major mitigating countermeasures,” retired Yale University epidemiologist Leon Robertson said in a statement.

I guess texting and driving is now acceptable?*****Yawn. Settles back into recliner.

Hope you enjoy this round- up of archive African gems, soul stompers, DIY electronics and more. For more updates on our favorite music, make sure to follow our Original World Funk and Death Disco & Jacking House Spotify playlists. Big thanks to everyone who has supported the label this year and wishing everyone a really happy and peaceful Christmas. COMPILATIONS / REISSUESV/A – Haiti Direct (Strut)Stream on Spotify.

Hugo Mendez collects together stunning set of compass and twoubadou rarities. Nana Love – Disco Documentary: Full of Funk (BBE)Stream on Spotify. Essential oddball West African disco set. Grace Jones – Nightclubbing (Deluxe Edition) (Island)Stream on Spotify. Well curated deluxe version of classic album with massive previously unreleased cover of ! I Disconnect From You.’Les Ambassadeurs – Les Ambassadeurs De Motel De Bamaco (Sterns)Stream on Spotify. Leimer – A Period of Review (Rvng Intl)Buy from Rvng Intl.

Superb previously unreleased ambient pieces from US artist Kerry Leimer. Cybotron – Enter (Fantasy)Stream on Spotify. Juan Atkins and Richard Davis with their seminal . Brilliant, raw, DIY dancefloor bombs and long overdue comp. V/A – Northern Soul: The Film Soundtrack (Harmless)Buy from Juno. Fantastic collection of gems soundtracking Elaine Constantine’s film.

Great for connoisseurs and newcomers alike. V/A – Science Fiction Park Bundesrepublik (Finders Keepers)Buy from Finders Keepers. Dark and strange DIY electronics from . Future music genius. Andy Stott – Faith In Strangers (Modern Love)Buy from Boomkat.

Brilliantly bleak and blown out electro / drone soundscapes. Fumaca Preta – Fumaca Preta (Soundway)Stream on Spotify. Primal and bonkers album mixing Caribbean and Brazilian rhythms with properly wigged out psychedelics.

Caribou – Our Love (Merge)Stream On Spotify. Expertly crafted lush synth- meets- falsetto set. Nils Frahm – Spaces (Erased Tapes)Buy from Erased Tapes.

Completely obsessed with Frahm’s music and ! Quality atmospheric soundtracky house- scapes.

Fantastic production. Orlando Julius with The Heliocentrics – Jaiyede Afro (Strut)Stream on Spotify. Massive honour to work with the Afro- soul legend this year.

New album found him on top form, revisiting compositions from his youth. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib – Pi. Madlib still untouchable.