Saints Row: The Third - Wikipedia. Saints Row: The Third. Developer(s)Volition. Publisher(s)THQDirector(s)Scott Phillips.

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Producer(s)Greg Donovan. Designer(s)Bryan Dillow. Programmer(s)Nick Lee. It is the third title in the Saints Row series.

As in the previous games, the player- character leads the Third Streets Saints gang in a turf war against three rival gangs using a variety of weapons and vehicles in single- player and cooperative play. It was released on November 1. Microsoft Windows, Play.

A pastor and professional wrestler accepts a position at a struggling church where he helps the community both in his official capacity and as his alter ego The Saint.

Station 3, and Xbox 3. Game development began by late 2. There was high staff turnover from the previous Saints Row team with one- fifth of the final 1. They aimed to improve on the series by giving the game a coherent tone, and found it in films such as Hot Fuzz and the game's signature sex toy bat. Saints Row: The Third was built using the Havok physics engine. The game received .

Critics thought the setting was insipid and that its humor occasionally fell flat, and others thought the game perfected the Saints Row formula. It was a nominee for Best Narrative at the 2.

Game Developers Conference, an IGN Editor's Choice, and a recipient of perfect scores from Games. Radar and G4. A complete edition including the three downloadable content packs was released a year after the original release, and its planned Enter the Dominatrix expansion became the game's sequel, Saints Row IV. Gameplay. Player melee attacks include running attacks such as DDTs and a purple dildo bat. Once special vehicles are unlocked, they are in unlimited supply and can be delivered directly to the player- character's location. The main story campaign missions can be played alone, or cooperatively either online or via System Link offline. Player- character bodies, dress, and vehicles can be customized. Players can additionally share their character designs in a Saints Row online community.

Some of these diversions were introduced in previous Saints Row games. They can also be repeated. Attacking others increases the player's notoriety level, as depicted with stars. Most actions in the game come with incentives in the form of money and respect (reputation).

Money buys land, weapons, and other upgrades. Lack of respect does not hinder story progress, as it has in previous games. The computer- controlled support will also dialogue with each other. While robbing a bank to promote the upcoming Saints Row: The Movie, the Boss and top lieutenants Shaundi and Johnny Gat experience unanticipated resistance from the staff and are arrested by corrupt policemen.

They are turned over to Phillipe Loren, the mastermind behind an international criminal enterprise known as the . The Saints refuse and stage a breakout, with Gat seemingly sacrificing himself to allow Shaundi and the Boss to escape.

They land in Steelport, a city ruled by the Syndicate, which is dominated by three gangs: the Morningstar, led by Loren and the De. Wynter sisters who are in control of Steelport's sex trade, the Luchadores, a Mexican masked wrestler- themed gang led by wrestler Eddie . Watch The Last Shaman (2017) Movie Online. With no money or weapons, the Boss contacts another lieutenant, Pierce Washington, and has him provide manpower for a raid on the city's arsenal.

Using their new firepower, the Saints enter Morningstar territory and begin attacking their interests. They then hunt down Loren in his own building, freeing Oleg Kirrlov, a former KGB agent turned test subject for the Syndicate's cloning initiative.

After the Boss kills Loren by crushing him with a heavy chandelier, they either destroy the building or claim it for the Saints, declaring victory over the Syndicate regardless. During a funeral procession in Gat's memory, the Luchadores stage an ambush and kill several dozen Saints.

To retaliate, the Boss seeks out individuals with grudges against the Syndicate. The search nets Kinzie Kensington, an ex- FBI agent targeted by the Deckers for investigating them, Zimos, an old pimp who lost his business to the Morningstar, and Angel de la Muerte, Killbane's embittered former wrestling partner. The Boss helps Zimos reestablish his prostitution ring, wrecking the Morningstar's influence to the point where Killbane tries to wrest control from the De. Wynter sisters, who had inherited the gang from Loren. After the elder sister, Kiki, is murdered by Killbane in a jealous rage, her sister Viola defects to the Saints. Meanwhile, the federal government, under pressure to confront the growing lawlessness in Steelport, forms the Special Tactical Anti- Gang (S.

T. A. G.) task force under the leadership of Cyrus Temple and Senator Monica Hughes. Armed with highly advanced technology, STAG puts the city under martial law until order can be restored. Next, Kinzie leads a successful effort to drive the Deckers out of Steelport, causing Miller to abandon the Syndicate and return to his home country after losing a virtual fight to the Boss. Finally, alongside Muerte, the Boss enters Murderbrawl XXXI and humiliates Killbane by defeating him in physical combat. With his image shattered, Killbane goes on a rampage through Steelport. While working to contain the damage, the Boss is informed that STAG, in an attempt to discredit the Saints, has rigged the Steelport Monument with explosives, leaving several kidnapped Saints, including Shaundi, Viola, and Mayor Burt Reynolds at the site to frame them. At the same time, Killbane is fleeing the country by private flight.

In the first, canonical ending, the Boss lets Killbane escape in order to disarm the explosives, killing Cyrus's lieutenant Kia in the process. With STAG's crimes exposed, the Saints are hailed by the people of Steelport as heroes.

Killbane is subsequently killed while trying to organize an invasion of Earth from Mars, but the whole thing is then revealed to be the final scene from . In the second, alternate ending, the Boss kills Killbane, but the destruction of the monument gives STAG the opportunity to launch . After destroying the Daedalus with a series of bombs, the Boss, now armed with STAG weaponry and equipment, declares Steelport an independent nation ruled by the Saints. Development. Design director Scott Phillips said the series' legacy of lightheartedness made the sequel's tone hard to define. The development team withstood a high turnover between the two releases, with only a fifth of the final 1.

The final version featured bits from Bad Boys II, Shoot 'Em Up, Hot Fuzz, and M. The team worked in this direction to find a personality for Saints Row: The Third, which it found in its signature . The idea started as one- off mission- specific weapon and the artists ran with the concept. The team increased playtesting to check for the action's pacing and .

They laid out their ideas on a schedule and began to cut until over . In retrospect, Phillips said he wanted to remove more. The studio borrowed people from other parts of the company to finish the project. For example, the introductory airplane level was pre- visualized two years prior to its creation as a demonstration for the development team and publisher. The engine let the team build vehicle drifting physics and the VTOL aircraft.

Players can switch between the playlists, which range from classical to electronic to hip- hop, rock, or customize their own station based on their preferences. It was released through Sumthing Else Music Works alongside the game via compact disc and digital download. Kirby said the series' over- the- top nature influenced the score, and that he was a huge fan of the series before he received the opportunity. In his composition, each gang has a theme and specific characteristics that range from . THQ President and CEO Brian Farrell expected to ship five to six million copies of the game in its lifetime.

He said that calling it . Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax shooting gallery drew from Bizarre Creations' The Club shooter.

He added that the game's unrealistic driving made the game more fun. GTA takes pains to voice moral unease. The Full Package was announced in September 2.