48 years ago today, Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, an unsurpassed milestone in the history of human exploration. To celebrate, luxury auction house Sotheby’s is.

Current News from educate- yourself. Scientist With Implanted RFID Chip Gets Computer Virus (Jan.

Was Aaron Swartz Murdered? Tyranny By Executive Order by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney (Jan.

Mega Billionaire, Illuminati Frontman George Soros Says Americia Needs 1. Yes, 1. 3!) New Gun Laws Now (Jan. Republican Insider: Obama Livid Over Gun Rights Backlash (Jan 1.

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The World Conquerors: Chapter Six, The Real War Criminals (1. Law Professor Calls Out Dershowitz for Advocating Murder and Torture (Jan. HBO's . 1. 4, 2. 01. Rand Paul Slams “King” Obama Over Executive Order Threat for Gun Control (Jan.

Obama: Some Gun Control Measures . Werner Sombart on Jewish Character (Jan.

The Jewish mind is skewed to the intellect and achieving goals'). Richard Duane Willing Blog Jan.

Cliff Hanger Tax Genius (Jan. The Anunnaki- Codes by Franz Erdl (Jan 1. The Dragon Sleeps No More by Franz Erdl (Jan. Delayed posting**Russians Learned an Indelible Lesson in . Air Force & Lamestream Liars Anxiiousto Dupe Public About Mysterious . Rev. Ted Pike: WND, CNN, & 'Christian' Zionist Evangelicals Promote Islamist Basher Pam Geller (Jan.

Hollywood Celebrities Help Free Child Murdering Satanists - West Memphis Three (Jan. Illuminati Jewry: A Biologist's View (Jan. Children Paralyzed in Chad, Africa After Receivng Newest Meningitis Vaccine (Jan.

The Dying Art of Femininity (Jan. The Devil and the Jews from Henry Makow (Jan. Shocker: Putin, Like Lenin & Soviet Bolshevism, Is an Agent of Zionist Jewry (Jan.

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2. Jan. 3, 2. 01. 2)Bubbles Upon Bubbles Upon Bubbles by ZS Livingstone (Jan. Zionists Are a Fifth Column in America by Richard Evans (Jan. Cloud Atlas - Hollywood's Depraved Occult Fantasy (Dec.

Jewish Banker, Haym Salomon, Funded American Revolution (Dec. Are the Navy Seals Involved in Faked ? Senate Approves Indefinite Military Detention of Any U. S. Citizen in U. S. Without Warrant or Criminal Charges under NDAA Treason. Awaits Obama's Signature (Dec. Fiscal Cliff: What is Illuminati Endgame?

Setback for Degeneracy Promoters; Court Injunction Stops California's Unconstitutional SB 1. Ban on Homosexual Reversion Therapy for Children (Dec. Gun Sales Soar in Wake of Sandy Hook Staged Shooting Psyops (Dec.

Drone Warfare: Terrorism with A Bigger Budget by Amanda Mullins (Dec. Bush Sr. 2. 3, 2. Society Gripped by Christ- Hating Cult by Henry Makow (Dec. Sandy Hook Massacre: Trying to Distinguish Legitimate Facts of the Staged Killings From Internet Hoaxers Confusing Our Perceptions (Dec. Texas Morons with DPS State Trooper Badges Video Taped in Action (Dec. Sandy Hook Massacre: Official Story Spins Out of Control delayed posting**Connecticut Massacre: Two Shooters? Look to Aurora,Coloradodelayed posting.

What Exactly IS the ? Keith Howe: . 1. 9, 2. Hollywood's Yuletide Glorification of Degeneracy: Homosexual 'Marriage', the New Norm (Dec. Sandy Hook Massacre: Official Story Spins Out of Control (Dec. How the Newtown Massacre Became a Mind- Control Television Event by Jon Rappoport (Dec.

The Shootings, The Globalists and Gun Control: The 2nd Phase of Disarming Americans by Carolyn Hamlett (Dec. Deepwater Horizon (2016) Movie Online. Chemtrails and Sylphs (Dec.

Keith Howe on Government Sponsored School Shootings (Dec. Communist Infiltrator Admits That Water Fluoridation Was Part of Communist Plan to Overtake America (Dec.

Urgent Update on the Connecticut Shooting (Dec. Connecticut Massacre: Two Shooters? Look to Aurora,Colorado (Dec. Who's Really to Blame for School Shooting? Exposing the Nazi International (Dec. Programmed Assassin Kills 2. Connecticut Elementary School in Prepackaged CIA Slaughter Scene to Stampede for Gun Control (Dec.

Richard Duane Willing Blog December 6, 2. Angol- Hebraic Money Mystery (Dec. Sex Obsession as Occult Possession by Henry Makow (Dec. Did Vote Count Fraud Take Place with Prop. GMO lableing)? And Is the Secretary of State of California Involved?

Worried About a Satanic Nuke Event in Phoenix on Christmas Day (Dec. Update with response from ZS Livingstone***Living Trusts, Lien Up Your Property, and Get Into Private Family Banking (Dec. Rothschilds Keep Jews as Mental Prisoners (Dec.

TSA Seeks Permission to Conduct “Security Assessments” on Highways (Dec. Hd Quality Atomic Blonde (2017) Watch. A Few Thoughts on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2.

Dec. 7, 2. 01. 2)The Mighty Princes of Raleigh and Her Majesty, The Mayor (Dec. Agenda 2. 1 sellouts)Worried About a Satanic Nuke Event in Phoenix on Christmas Day (Dec. How The Globalists Write The Script, And What Can Be Done to Change the Story (Dec. Should You Get a Flu Shot? E- mail From Japan re.

Illuminati . 6, 2. Did Electronic Voting Fraud Defeat California's Prop 3. GMO foods)? Manitoba Minister of Re Education Bullies Children Who Resist Gay Sex by Henry Makow (Dec. The Agenda Behind Gender Bending (Dec.

Tokyo's Daily Radiation Readings Underscore the Fallacy of the Fukushima Radiation Hysteria (Dec. The Vaccine Hoax is Over by Andrew Baker (Dec. When Lunatics Are in Charge of the Asylum, Lunacy Prevails: US Military .

California Public Utilities Commission to Hold Hearings on Smart Meter 'Opt Outs. Five California Cities; Public Participation is Critical (Dec. Reader Questions Regarding Kevin Annett, Alfred Webre, & Eric Jon Phelps (Dec. Secret Goals of Communism Near Fruition by Henry Makow (Nov. Delayed posting. Mystery: Temporary Bout of Sanity Overtakes US Senate as They Pass Amendment to Limit NDAA From Abduction & Detention of US Citizens (Nov. Delayed posting. Satanist Pedophiles Rule Great Britain (Nov.

Delayed posting. The Conspiracy to Defile (& Degrade the Human Spirit) Dec. So, How Do We Stop The Spraying?

The Roots of Evil in Jerusalem (Nov. Worried Reader Fears Gun Confiscation in America Is Inevitable (Nov. Mystery: Temporary Bout of Sanity Overtakes US Senate as They Pass Amendment to Limit NDAA From Abduction & Detention of US Citizens (Nov.

Secret Goals of Communism Near Fruition by Henry Makow (Nov. Huffington Post Pressures Young Women to be Sluts by Henry Makow (Nov. Satanist Pedophiles Rule Great Britain (Nov. Haiti Earthquake Relief Was a Boondoggle (Nov. Jim Stone (Again) Nov.

Verification (Nov. Is the Springfield, Mass ? Attitude toward Christianity (Nov.

Verification (Nov. Facial Recognition Technology: In- Your- Face Big Brother Debuts in California (Nov. Momentum Grows to Reform Insane UK . Were Hitler and Bormann Traitors? Easy Women = A Lousy Life (Nov. Heady Hate Mail from a Chomsky Fan (Nov.

Television is Turning Us Into Zombies (Nov. The December 2. 1, 2. Doomsday Scenario (Nov. Veteran's Day Requires a Rethink by Henry Makow (Nov. Big Surprise: Anti- Gun Crusader Dianne Feinstein Hints at More Gun Control Legislation During Obama's Second Term ( Nov. Gay Parenting Conducive to Child Sexual Abuse (Nov. Transformative Encounters Continued ~Third Letter From Jeanette Wakefield (October 1.

Delayed posting, Nov. Canadians: Stop Harper from Signing the Canada/China FIPA Scheme into Law ~ Call Your MP Today!

Vacuous Vogue Models & Hollywood Celebrities Promote Mind Control Enslavement & Satanic Symbolism (Nov. Canada's 'We Day' - - How the Illuminati Targets Our Children (Nov. Excellent NWO Takeover Overview & Analysis in Three. Volumes from Thinking 1. Year Old (Nov. 2, 2.

Without Evidence of Wrongdoing, Missouri Father Is Thrown Out of His Home & Losses Kids to Unconstitutional Family Court 'Ex Parte' Bench Edict (Nov. Henry Makow: Ten Superb Movies that Bombed at the Box Office (Oct. Hurricane Sandy Artificial by ZS Livingstone (Oct. Swedish Politician Denounces Chemtrail Spraying; Doesn't Realize That Chemplanes Are Pilotless, Computer- operated Drones (Oct. Texas School Kids To Be Tracked Like Cattle in Pilot Program to Acclimate Sheeple to Big Brother Survelliance (. The Friends of Israel: .

Israel Trains Internet Trolls to Reshape Public Opinion on Blogs and Wikipedia to Match Israeli Propaganda (Oct. Greek Journalist Faces Trial for Publishing List of 2,0. Greeks with Swiss Bank Accounts (Oct.