1. Rejected is an animated short comedy film by Don Hertzfeldt that in 2000 was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film at the 73rd Academy Awards.
  2. We’ve been celebrating the year in film for a few weeks now, and as we reach the midpoint, it felt like the right time to unveil our list of the Best Films Of 2015.
  3. We scouted around the web and found 36 Oscar-winning (or.
  4. See the list of 2017 Oscar Nominations including best picture, best actors and actresses, and more. View trailers, photos and detailed information from the 89th.

When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep.

Academy Awards - Wikipedia. The Academy Awards, now known officially as The Oscars. The various category winners are awarded a copy of a golden statuette, officially called the .

Ben Mendelsohn Orson Krennic. B EN MENDELSOHN (Director Krennic) is a critically acclaimed and award-winning actor who most recently was nominated as Best Supporting.

Kung Fury is an over-the-top action comedy that has its foundation in 80s cop movies.

The awards, first presented in 1. Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, are overseen by AMPAS. It is now seen live in more than 2. Its equivalents – the Emmy Awards for television, the Tony Awards for theater, and the Grammy Awards for music and recording – are modeled after the Academy Awards.

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The ceremony was hosted by Jimmy Kimmel and was broadcast on ABC. A total of 3,0. 48 Oscars have been awarded from the inception of the award through the 8.

The post- awards party was held at the Mayfair Hotel. Fifteen statuettes were awarded, honoring artists, directors and other participants in the film- making industry of the time, for their works during the 1. The ceremony ran for 1. Winners were announced to media three months earlier. That was changed for the second ceremony in 1. Since then, for the rest of the first decade, the results were given to newspapers for publication at 1. He had to return to Europe before the ceremony, so the Academy agreed to give him the prize earlier; this made him the first Academy Award winner in history.

At that time, the winners were recognized for all of their work done in a certain category during the qualifying period; for example, Jannings received the award for two movies in which he starred during that period, and Janet Gaynor later won a single Oscar for performances in three films. Download Pan (2015) Movies here. With the fourth ceremony, however, the system changed, and professionals were honored for a specific performance in a single film. For the first six ceremonies, the eligibility period spanned two calendar years.

Until then, foreign- language films had been honored with the Special Achievement Award. The 7. 4th Academy Awards, held in 2. Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. Since 1. 97. 3, all Academy Awards ceremonies have ended with the Academy Award for Best Picture. Traditionally, the actors present the awards for actresses, and the actresses present the awards for actors. Oscar statuette. The five spokes represent the original branches of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians. The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold- plated solid bronze.

Within a few years the bronze was abandoned in favor of britannia metal, a pewter- like alloy which is then plated in copper, nickel silver, and finally, 2. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold- plated metal ones. The original Oscar mold was cast in 1. C. W. Shumway & Sons Foundry in Batavia, Illinois, which also contributed to casting the molds for the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Emmy Award's statuettes. From 1. 98. 3 to 2.

Owens & Company. Cast in liquid bronze from 3. D- printed ceramic molds and polished, they are then electroplated in 2.

Brooklyn, New York–based Epner Technology. The time required to produce 5.

Owens is expected to continue producing other awards for the Academy and service existing Oscars. One biography of Bette Davis, who was a president of the Academy, claims that she named the Oscar after her first husband, band leader Harmon Oscar Nelson. Until 2. 01. 0, winners were expected to return the statuettes to the Academy after the ceremony and wait several weeks to have inscriptions applied. Since 2. 01. 0, winners have had the option of having engraved nameplates applied to their statuettes at an inscription- processing station at the Governor's Ball, a party held immediately after the Oscar ceremony. Watch Colonia (2016) Online.

In 2. 01. 0, the R. S. Owens company made 1.

The 1. 75 or so nameplates for non- winning nominees were recycled afterwards. If a winner refuses to agree to this stipulation, then the Academy keeps the statuette. Academy Awards not protected by this agreement have been sold in public auctions and private deals for six- figure sums. In a controversial decision, he consigned his 1. Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for The Best Years of Our Lives to Herman Darvick Autograph Auctions, and on August 6, 1.

New York City, the Oscar sold to a private collector for $6. Since he won the award before 1. Academy first. Russell defended his decision, saying, . My wife's health is much more important than sentimental reasons. The movie will be here, even if Oscar isn't.

Although some Oscar sales transactions have been successful, some buyers have subsequently returned the statuettes to the Academy, which keeps them in its treasury. Prior to that, the results were announced in early February. Actors constitute the largest voting bloc, numbering 1,3. Academy's composition.

Votes have been certified by the auditing firm Pricewaterhouse. Coopers (and its predecessor Price Waterhouse) for the past 8. Membership eligibility may be achieved by a competitive nomination or a member may submit a name based on other significant contributions to the field of motion pictures.

New membership proposals are considered annually. The Academy does not publicly disclose its membership, although as recently as 2.

The 2. 00. 7 release also stated that it has just under 6,0. While the membership had been growing, stricter policies have kept its size steady since then. Of the 5,1. 00+ active voters confirmed, 9.

Caucasian, 7. 7% were male, and 5. The Best Documentary Feature award requires week- long releases in both Los Angeles County and. New York City during the previous calendar year. First, the qualifying period for release does not coincide with a calendar year, instead covering a one- year period starting on September 1 and ending on the August 3. Second, there are multiple methods of qualification. The main method is a week- long theatrical release in either Los Angeles County or New York City during the eligibility period.

Films also can qualify by winning specified awards at one of a number of competitive film festivals designated by the Academy. Finally, a film that is selected as a gold, silver, or bronze medal winner in the Documentary category of the immediately previous Student Academy Awards is also eligible. Foreign films must include English subtitles, and each country can submit only one film per year. This followed the win of O. J.: Made in America, an eight- hour presentation that was screened in a limited release before being broadcast in five parts on ABC and ESPN, in that category in 2. The Academy's announcement of the new rule made no direct mention of that film.

The form includes the production credits for all related categories. Then, each form is checked and put in a Reminder List of Eligible Releases. In late December ballots and copies of the Reminder List of Eligible Releases are mailed to around 6,0. For most categories, members from each of the branches vote to determine the nominees only in their respective categories (i. In the special case of Best Picture, all voting members are eligible to select the nominees.

In all major categories, a variant of the single transferable vote is used, with each member casting a ballot with up to five nominees (ten for Best Picture) ranked preferentially. The Academy enforces rules to limit overt campaigning by its members so as to try to eliminate excesses and prevent the process from becoming undignified.

It has an awards czar on staff who advises members on allowed practices and levies penalties on offenders. It is the culmination of the film awards season, which usually begins during November or December of the previous year.

This is an elaborate extravaganza, with the invited guests walking up the red carpet in the creations of the most prominent fashion designers of the day. Black tie dress is the most common outfit for men, although fashion may dictate not wearing a bow- tie, and musical performers sometimes do not adhere to this. The Oscars were first televised in 1. NBC, which continued to broadcast the event until 1. ABC took over, televising the festivities (including the first color broadcast of the event in 1. NBC resumed the broadcasts.