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Canada Lee - Wikipedia. Canada Lee. Born. Watch The Full I Daniel Blake (2017) The Movie. Leonard Lionel Cornelius Canegata(1. March 3, 1. 90. 7Manhattan, New York City, New York, U.

S. Died. May 9, 1. New York City, New York, U.

S. Cause of deathheart attack. Nationality. American. Other names. Lionel Canegata. Years active. 19. Spouse(s)Juanita Waller Lee(married 1. Frances Pollack Lee(married 1.

Relatives. Carl Lee (son), Jacqueline Muriel Canageta Lee Brown- Irvin (daughter)Websitecanadalee. Canada Lee (born Leonard Lionel Cornelius Canegata, March 3, 1. May 9, 1. 95. 2) was an Americanactor who pioneered roles for African Americans.

After careers as a jockey, boxer and musician, he became an actor in the Federal Theatre Project, most notably in a 1. Macbeth adapted and directed by Orson Welles. Download The Ornithologist (2017) Movie In Hd. Lee later starred in Welles's original Broadway production of Native Son (1.

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A champion of civil rights in the 1. Lee was blacklisted and died shortly before he was scheduled to appear before the House Un- American Activities Committee. He furthered the African- American tradition in theatre pioneered by such actors as Paul Robeson.

Lee was the father of actor Carl Lee. Biography. Croix, and as a youth had migrated to New York, where he married Lydia Whaley Gasden. Rosamond Johnson at the Music School Settlement for Colored People.

He made his concert debut at age 1. Aeolian Hall. But after seven years of music studies, without explanation, he put away his violin and ran away from home. He considered returning to music, but an old school friend suggested that he try boxing. He tossed the card aside and instead announced . His boxing statistics vary. Boxing historian Donald R.

Koss documents Lee having 6. With treatment his vision could have been saved, but Lee feared losing his successful career and masked his injury. In time he lost all sight in his right eye. Lee eventually lobbied for insurance, health care, financial consultation and retirement homes for fighters.

When an old friend, sportswriter Ed Sullivan, plugged him in his new entertainment column, Lee and his group began landing better engagements. His career as a bandleader peaked in 1. Lafayette Theatre in Harlem. The following year he opened his own small club, The Jitterbug, which he managed to operate for six months. When it closed he had no prospects, and his mother convinced him to simply get a job. I'm almost becoming a concert violinist and I run away to the races.

I'm almost a good jockey and I go overweight. I'm almost a champion prizefighter and my eyes go bad. Now I've got it, now I've got what I'm going to be. Lee discovered a love for Broadway theatre during his years as a prizefighter.

He remembered Show Boat as the first stage production he ever saw: . While at a YMCA to apply for a job as a laborer, Lee stumbled upon an audition in progress and was recognized by playwright Augustus Smith.

Lee was invited to try out, and won a supporting role in Brother Mose, directed by Frank H. Sponsored by New York's Civil Works Administration, the show toured the boroughs, playing at community centers and city parks into the fall of the year. It was his first professional role. But I didn't have a serious approach to it until . He was putting on a Federal Theatre production of Macbeth with Negro players and, somehow, I won the part of Banquo. He rehearsed us for six solid months, but when the play finally went on before an audience, it was right—and it was a wonderful sensation, knowing it was right. Suddenly, the theatre became important to me.

I had a respect for it, for what it could say. I had the ambition—I caught it from Orson Welles—to work like mad and be a convincing actor. Flashe Riley (Jack), Canada Lee (Bigger Thomas) and Wardell Saunders (Gus Mitchell) in Native Son. After five months in a supporting role, Lee succeeded Rex Ingram as the lead in the stage production Haiti (1. Haitian slave turned emperor Henri Christophe. One of the Federal Theatre Project's most popular productions, Haiti was seen by some 9. Lafayette Theatre in Harlem and at Boston's Copley Theatre.

Lee took a break from the road tour to make his motion picture debut in Keep Punching (1. Lee kept it going despite chronic financial difficulties. A 1. 93. 8 Federal Theatre Project production, the play was remounted by the newly created Negro Playwrights Company, founded in New York by Ward, Langston Hughes, Paul Robeson, Theodore Browne, Richard Wright and Alain Locke. Lee's performance is superb.

In 1. 94. 2, he played in two comedies by William Saroyan; Lee earned approving reviews despite the generally negative response to these plays. In 1. 94. 3, he took a lead role in a production of the race- themed drama South Pacific, directed by Lee Strasberg, concerning a cynical African- American soldier who had racially based reservations about fighting the Japanese. Lee insisted on changing his dialogue to round out his character, which used a semi- comical dialect. He was praised for his performance. He narrated the first two seasons of the groundbreaking WMCA radio series that presented Negro history and culture to mainstream American audiences. Lee had admired Shakespeare since his turn in Macbeth; indeed, at the time of his death he was preparing to play Othello on film.

Lee produced the play, making him the first African- American producer on Broadway. The play spoke directly to the need for interracial housing following World War II and won the praise of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who wrote weekly columns encouraging readers to see it. Presented in Boston and on Broadway, the production marked the first time a black actor had played a white role on the stage. Lee wore a special white paste that had been used medically, to cover burns and marks, but had never before been used in the theatre. Lee's last film role was in Cry, the Beloved Country (1. Lee spoke to schools, sponsored various humanitarian events, and began speaking directly against the existing segregation in America's armed forces, while simultaneously acknowledging the need to win World War II.

To this latter end, he appeared at numerous USO events; he won an award from the United States Recruiting Office and another from the Treasury Department for his help in selling war bonds. These sentiments would carry on throughout his life, culminating in his early firsthand account of apartheid in South Africa. Jack Geiger. They met in 1. Geiger, a 1. 4- year- old middle- class Jewish runaway, was backstage at a Broadway production of Native Son. Lee agreed to take Geiger in when he showed up at his door in Harlem asking for a place to stay.

With the consent of his parents, Geiger stayed with Lee for over a year. Lee took on the role of surrogate father and introduced Geiger to Langston Hughes, Billy Strayhorn, Richard Wright, and Adam Clayton Powell. Geiger eventually became a journalist, then a doctor who co- founded the first community health center in the United States, Columbia Point Health Center in Dorchester, Massachusetts. He became a founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility and Physicians for Human Rights, and established community health centers in Mississippi and South Africa. Geiger says he would never have moved so deeply in these worlds so quickly if not for his experiences with Canada Lee.

In 1. 94. 9, the trade journal Variety stated that under no circumstance was Lee to be used in American Tobacco’s televised production of a radio play he had recently starred in because he was . Lee refused and responded by saying, . During filming, Lee had his first heart attack, and he never fully recovered his health. Scheduled to appear in Italy to begin production on a filmed version of Othello, he was repeatedly notified that his passport . Lee was reportedly to star as Bigger Thomas in the Argentine version of Native Son but was replaced in the role by Richard Wright, author of the novel, when Lee had to withdraw. The couple separated while their son was young. They often had lunch in uptown New York in Harlem at the then- new restaurant .