What Is The Revelation 1. Sign In 2. 01. 7 Telling Us?

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For the following to be understood one must hold to the belief that there are no accidents in God’s sovereign order. That He created the heavens for His glory, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 1. When God created the stars He let us know the reason. First, to divide day from night or light from darkness, which has another layer to its meaning as well. Secondly, for signs and for seasons. My hope in this analysis is that those who claim to know the truth are willing to look deeper and apply a fundamental aspect of God’s nature often overlooked by modern day believers.

I am speaking of God’s glory as it appears in the details which can only be uncovered by deep analysis. Before I begin, I’d like to allow the following verses to sink in. These two verses inform my quest for truth, inspire my reverence for God and have heightened my awareness of that which is unseen by the physical eye.“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” (Proverbs 2. Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” (Jeremiah 3. Overview and Order of Sign.

If you do not accept the premise that the specific sign in Revelation 1. Free Download Logan Lucky (2017). September of 2. 01. Rather, read my previous post on this topic and search out other resources to reach a conclusion as to what you believe on this matter.

The following Stellarium screenshots of the alignment are from Jerusalem. This is the dawn of September 2. The first shows the rising of the sign and the second is when I filtered out the ground. The planetary bodies involved are as follows: Regulus, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Spica, Jupiter, and the Moon. Any study of astronomy will tell you the uniqueness of this event. Study of John’s vision in Revelation 1. We will now dig deeper into each of the moving pieces as they make a clear and resounding prophetic statement.

Remember, Adam was charged with naming the animals but God Himself named the stars. There is a lot of mythology, tradition and etymology surrounding the ancient names of the stars but we find that there are constants regardless of the culture. He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them (Psalm 1. Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name, by the greatness of his might, and because he is strong in power not one is missing.

It is with this premise we will uncover the remarkable statement God is making with this specific sign which He draws our attention to in Revelation 1. In this event Virgo, the Virgin is giving birth to Jupiter (the King Planet) while holding an ear of wheat in her hand. The alpha star of the constellation Leo, or Lion of Judah, Regulus is first to rise on the horizon followed by Venus (the morningstar). This sign is loaded with symbolic and literal meaning and this is what I hope to unravel for you in the following paragraphs. Regulus: The Alpha Star of Constellation Leo. Regulus is 7. 9 light years from earth and is the 2.

Seven is God’s perfect number and a number repeated three times in Scripture means completion. This is also year 5.

Hebrew calender. 5 is the number of grace, therefore in Biblical numbers it means “divine completion of the period of grace.” Leo is the Lion, in Jewish tradition the lion was the symbol of the tribe of Judah. In Christian tradition the Lion of Judah means Jesus as indicated in Revelation. The meaning of the name Regulus is consistent throughout different cultures. Here are some of the meanings: Latin = “prince or little king”Arabic = “heart of the lion”Babylonian = “king”Persian = “the centre”In all these ancient cultures the star Regulus was a term of royalty. It is the king star in the constellation Leo which in Jewish and Christian tradition always represented “The Lion of Judah”. Therefore, we have “The King, the heart of the Lion of Judah.”Venus: The Morningstar.

The planet Venus is known as the Morningstar when it rises in the east. In this event you can clearly seen that it rises in the east. Jesus is referred to as our bright and Morningstar.“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” (Revelation 2. Because of that experience, we have even greater confidence in the message proclaimed by the prophets. You must pay close attention to what they wrote, for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place–until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts.” (2 Peter 1: 1.

Now there is a preposterous reference to Lucifer as the morning star in modern translations found in Isaiah. I’m not going to take the time to address this now but I encourage you to do your own research. The original Hebrew texts leave no room for this liberty taken in translation.

Every serious Bible student will agree that The Morningstar is a title reserved for Jesus. As Lucifer did since the beginning, the father of lies, attempts to usurp his position and claim title to that which he does not have.

After the moon Venus is the brightest object in the sky. It is the closest in size to earth and it is always brighter than any other star in the sky besides the sun. Venus was also the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Therefore, “The Morningstar of love and beauty.”Mars: War. Mars has always been associated with war. From the planet of Nergal the Babylonian war- god to the Roman God of War. The ancient cultures in the far east also attribute Mars to war and destruction. From ancient Sumeria, Persia and to the far east there are associations with Mars and destruction.

Many theorize that Mars was a major factor in angel wars of the past. We cannot know these things for sure and must depend on ancient manuscripts and piece together historical fact with mythology. The point to understand is that mythology has some grounding in history and pervasive themes that resonate throughout millennia by legend, oral tradition and manuscripts do so for a reason. Remember, God named the stars and He reigns over every detail for His glory. Interestingly enough Paul’s most famous sermon in Athens, Greece took place on “Mars Hill”.

It was there that he proclaimed the message of Jesus near the inception of our current church age. At the epicenter of worldly wisdom Paul challenged the intellectualism of his day.

He challenged the idolatry and deception the Greeks had succumbed to. They had replaced worship of The Living God with that of folklore, graven images and stories they created in their minds to explain their existence. They relied on their intellect as a means of salvation and denied the very God who created their intellect. I contend that “Mars Hill” being the location of this monumental sermon is not a coincidence but rather another layer of God’s communication throughout all periods of history. Remember God is outside of time, He is looking down into the fishbowl which we in our finite minds believe to be an endless ocean. Therefore, Mars is “war”. Mercury. Mercury was the Roman deity which meant “messenger to the gods”.

In Latin, Mercurius was originally god of tradesman and thieves. Mercury’s orbit is inclined 7 degrees to the plane Earth’s orbit. In ancient Mesopotamia Mercury was named after the god of water and writing. In Egypt, Mercury was associated with the god Thoth – who was the god of knowledge, the inventor of speech, writing and arithmetic. In Rome we have messenger to the gods, in Egypt knowledge, writing and the inventor of speech and in Mesopotamia we have god of water and writing. When we piece this together we have many specific references. First, water is symbolic of the Holy Spirit.“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, .

Knowledge, writing and inventor of speech. Jesus is the Word of The Living God. The Bible is His word and through His word He created everything we see.