What Could Have Been - TV Tropes. This entry is trivia, which is cool and all, but not a trope. On a work, it goes on the Trivia tab.

Unlike All There in the Manual, however, this new information is not released as Word of God with the intention of being added to the Canon. These elements are only What Could Have Been but never were and never will be part of the story proper. Many fans love hearing the possible paths their favorite story could have taken..

Maybe the author realizes the fans wouldn't be too happy about seeing the death of a sympathetic or popular character you originally planned to kill off (not that it stops afewpeople). Or maybe you realize what sounds oh so cool in your head pushes Willing Suspension of Disbelief too far on film or paper. Or maybe it was a bad idea with which to begin.

In any case, someone eventually had a better idea. Or suffers loss of reputation. Or goes bankrupt. Contrast with Offscreen Moment of Awesome where a particularly grand moment is seemingly perfectly set up to happen but then isn't seen, and They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot for when they used an awesome idea in a horrible, horrible way. Occasionally something that was removed survives in another part of the series, then it is Refitted for Sequel. If you want to discuss how the work could have been better if some detail was different (with that detail being just your own idea), start a Wild Mass Guessing.

This subject has also been covered by The Onion A. V. Clubhere and here, and here.

Examples. Other Examples    open/close all folders      Automobiles  The 2. Mini reboot was originally meant to be a kei car- style microvan, before turning into a premium hatchback. However, such a design had never reached production. Instead, a bigger hatchback was designed and released in 1. Austin/MG Metro. Due to packaging issues and problems with deigning a durable enough gearbox, the biturbo V1.

Garbage Pail Kids Story (2017) Movie Theatre

Mercedes S6. 00 and CL 6. The 1. 98. 0- 2. 00. Fiat Panda was originally meant to be built on a streched platform of the 1. Instead, the VW Golf/Rabbit debuted in 1. Beetle replacement. There even were a few prototypes of a 6.

Garbage Pail Kids Story (2017) Movie Theatre
  1. We already saw just what a curious, playful little droid BB-8 is from his role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But the question on everyone’s mind in light of this.
  2. The first sound adaptation of the story, Frankenstein (1931), was produced by Universal Pictures, directed by James Whale, and starred Boris Karloff as the monster.

Annual teen beauty pageant in Canada, a competition that holds regional finals in all 10 provinces, the winner of which competes at the Miss Teen World pageant. The only movie I ever walked out of was Startup.com, a 2001 documentary about a start-up (natch) failing in the wake of our first popped tech bubble.

V1. 6 7- Series built, based on the 7. However, the car never ended up hitting production. These vehicles were meant to be based on the 3- Series, 5- Series and 7- Series, respectively named V3, V5 and V7. The 7- Series- based vehicle never saw production, whiule the 3- series and 5- series- based ones morphed into the GT versions of these cars.

Unfortunately, the British company did not have the money it took to design the new model and the car ended up existing only in the digital form and as clay models. These vehicles never went further than the general idea.

The car was planned to be built using a stretched Gallardo spaceframe and mechanics, but never saw a release. The final production version ended up being equipped with 3 front seats and a normal left- or right- mounted steering wheel. Instead, due to public outcry, the 4th generation Mustang was an RWD car, and the FWD coupe was released as the Ford Probe, slotting below the Mustang. However, the production version had many of the safety features removed.

The car would have been an RWD compact/midsize sedan, competing against the BMW 3- Series. However, it had to be shelved, due to financial problems. Instead, financial troubles led to the final version being just a Honda Concerto with different badging.

However, due to yet unknown reasons, the final version delivered to customers ended up getting a 5. HP version of the 3.

V6 from the MG Metro 6. R4 rally car. A year later, the turbine engine concept was shelved, due to too high CO 2 emissions, and replaced with a hybrid 1. HP. Unfortunately, that was also cancelled, because of a lack of a big inough target market. A styling cue left over from the original design is the C- pillar shape, made to accomodate vents for an engine behind the seats. Unfortunately, that idea was cancelled to avoid competition with Jaguar, which was planning to make the XJS such a car, as described above. However, British Leyland decided to discontinue the Triumph brand altogether in 1.

However, such a design never got into a production. At some point, the car was even meant to share many mechanical components with the Ford RWD cars (e. Lincoln LS) - and the Ford 5. V8 would be the top of the line engine!

However, in the late 2. Peugeot decided to cancel the idea of a 6. Unfortunately, financial troubles made only one of the cars, the Elan, have any chance of getting a release, and this is because it would be a replacement to an existing model. However, the estimated demand ended up being too low to justify production, and the design isn't going to be mass- produced. However, the partnership ended up splitting, due to different visions on it, and only the P8 ended up hitting the market as the Mc. Laren MP 4- 1. 2C, and with Mc. Laren's own 3. 8 twin- turbo engine, not the AMG 6.

There even were commercials and press photos showing the car with such badging, but the mockery by Scandinavian press (as . Watch Risk (2017) Movie Stream. However, Fiat turned the offer back, and instead, the design was bought by Daewoo, with a pair of rear doors added. Fortunately, someone noticed that . However, such a car would be too expensive and compliceated for production. The only publically- seen prototypes were the ones starring in Johnny English Reborn In 2.

Carbon Motors showed the E7, a prototypical purpose- built police car, powered by a more durable BMW straight- 6 diesel and with special safety capabilities. The original production date target was 2. However, due to financial problems and a lack of a big enough target market, the car wasn't ultimately produced. Originally, each new expansion of Magic: The Gathering was going to have a new color scheme on the card backs instead of the usual brown and tan — for instance, Arabian Nights would have been orange and magenta, Ice Age would have been two shades of blue.

This was nixed when the designers realized this would make it too easy for your opponents to identify the cards you have in your hand by their backs, giving them an unfair advantage, so the card backs have remained unchanged since day one. One of the original ideas to express the concept was to present the set as coming from an alternate timeline where Magic has six colors instead of five. The sixth color (purple, by the way) made it quite far in the development process (at least, by the standards of rejected ideas) but was ultimately scrapped. The set was going to feature packaging showcasing an alternate logo style and other changes, though the cardback would have stayed the same. Eventually it was revealed to be New Phyrexia. This surprised precisely no one, but for the portion of the player base who liked Mirrodin and disliked Phyrexia, we can only wonder what the set could have been like. That only changed when they decided it would be more interesting to show the process of Mirrodin gradually being corrupted into New Phyrexia.

It was nicknamed . Sounds pretty harmless right? The idea was that it would increase the number of basic land types to 6, giving abilities such as . However, this came with a slew of other problems.

Due to the wording on older cards, this rendered a lot of older cards much harder to use (as they say . It also solved the problem with Domain by not including a sub- type. Turns out it was the Eldrazi. This would have been an incredible surprise.. There had originally been intended to be some time between Battle for Zendikar and So. I, but things were re- ordered behind the scenes. As it was, it was so obvious that it was the Eldrazi that some were actually surprised that it wasn't a trick.

Bandai's version of Duel Monsters was simplistic, if crammed with rather bizarre rules and effects, and was much farther detached from the card game we saw in the anime and manga than Konami's version was. However, it was reportedly rather popular, so imagine if this was the version of the game we got, instead of Konami's version..