Moore Minutes: Secret Agent Spy Party! Our 3 adorable boys ready to party! I mentioned last week that we did a Spy Party for my oldest son's 9th birthday.

Click here to see the invitations. We had a grand timewith 2.

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I'm going to break it down into DECOR, FOOD, and ENTERTAINMENT. THE DECOR: I made a Secret Spy Candy Buffet as a special treat for all the hard- working agents. I scattered bullet shells, top secret labels, and handcuffs around the tables. Watch Trouble With Terkel (2017) Online For Free. I put up bullet hole stickers throughout the house.

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We pulled CRIME SCENE yellow tape across doors. I used a bright and fun color palette to make the crime scene theme more youthful! I enlarged some fingerprint and question mark clip art and edited the photos by tinting them different shades to color match them. I attached them to corresponding scrapbook paper and hung them from the ceiling.

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We made chalk footprints on our walkway to add to the suspense and fun. How skilled are these agents at figuring out the MYSTERY BARS? I had such a difficult time trying to figure out WHAT food to use to create magnifying glasses!! I finally came up with cheese and pretzels. I told a local cake shop that I wanted a bomb with a sparkler for a candle and they FAR exceeded my expectations! THE ENTERTAINMENT: I set out a Clue Jr. Game to play at leisure.

Upon arrival, each guest was given their professional Secret Agent ID tagged and they were fingerprinted for security. Party Favors included: Dark Glasses, Beach Bags, Agent Hats, Magnifying glasses, compasses and whistles, red lights, detective bands, and a trip through the candy buffet. The invitation called each agent to our house (headquarters) for a specific mission. A sealed envelope was opened and it stated that Skyler's birthday gift was robbed along with all the treat bags. This first clue was hidden inside one of the balloons.

These balloons blocking the door were representing bombs and had to be quickly popped to find the clue and prevent them from detonating. The next clue was hidden in a laser field. I took tweezers and removed the original fortune from one cookie and replaced it with a clue! So the kids had to break the cookies open and find the cookie with the clue.

The bad guys had hoisted it into a GINORMOUStree. BUT when they were caught by our team they agreed to surrender. And they even helped us rescue the bike from the tree. What nice bad guys they were! And just when you think you've seen FAR TOO MANY photos I decide to give you one more: our nine year old.. Cameron Skyler. This posted is linked to: A Soft Place to Land: DIY Day.

Works for Me Wednesdayand. Today's Creative Blog.

The Evolution of Rallying Is One Of The Best Motorsport Movies Ever. Choosing the best motorsport movie is a tough decision as there are so many good ones. Everything from documentaries, like Truth in 2. Colin Mc. Crae to movies like Rush. I’ve seen most of them but I keep coming back to The Evolution of Rally: 5. Years of Sideways. I love everything about it.

The history of rally. How it started. The early marathon rallies like the the London to Mexico all the way to the Group B era. It covers the drivers and their cars and the awesome night stages that have disappeared over the years for safety or TV coverage.

If 9. 0 minutes of rally documentary isn’t your thing, watch the few minutes on the Safari rally which starts at 3. After the brief intro, it cuts to a music montage that is one of my favorite. I would love to be able to go back in time and run the Safari Rally.

You can buy the DVD on Amazon but unfortunately I can’t locate a proper download or stream, though someone did upload the movie to You. Tube: The good news is that Helmut Deimel recently released volume 2 in 2. Actually I just found it while putting this together and will buy a copy this weekend! I’ll need to convert it from Pal to NTSC but that shouldn’t be too hard. And no I won’t share it.

Buy your own copy because this guy makes awesome movies about rally and deserves your money! Here’s the trailer for volume 2.