Logan Lucky Movie Review & Film Summary (2. The odds seem stacked in .

Rangoon” is an epic love story, taking a beautiful film star from the film sets of 1944 Bollywood to the jungles of the India-Burma border where she must entertain. I write about films, especially superhero films, & Hollywood. Buy Logan: Read 511 Movies & TV Reviews - Amazon.com. New Movie Trailers Updated August 30th, 2017. Watch previews for new movies coming soon. All 2017 movie trailers are displayed by date added.

Sure enough, it's a winner. Garbage Pail Kids Story (2017) Review here. Soderbergh is one of the reigning masters of the heist picture: he did the .

Advertisement. The story centers on two brothers, both wounded war veterans. Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum), a onetime coal miner, lost a leg in the service. Jimmy’s younger brother Clyde (Adam Driver) lost part of an arm, and now tends bar at a roadside saloon where Jimmy is a regular. An obnoxious customer jokes that if you put the Logan boys together, you’d get a whole person. That's not too far off the mark: like redneck cousins of George Clooney and Brad Pitt's characters in the . Legend has it that the Logan family, which also includes a badass, hot- car- driving kid sister named Mellie (Riley Keough), is cursed. Throughout . Seems the Charlotte Motor Speedway has a sinkhole problem, and Jimmy was part of the team of ex- coal miners brought in to fix it.

  1. The story centers on two brothers, both wounded war veterans. Jimmy Logan (Channing Tatum), a onetime coal miner, lost a leg in the service. Jimmy’s younger brother.
  2. Free shipping on thousands of items.

While toiling beneath the stadium, he learned that concession stand earnings are delivered to a cash vault deep in the basement by way of pneumatic tubes. The Logans promise that with a little help from Joe they can break into the vault, steal the cash, and walk away rich. Joe says he’d be happy to join the team if he weren’t, as he sneers, . The Logan boys offer to bust Joe out of prison long enough to join the heist, then sneak him back in. At this point you may start to wonder how smart the Logans actually are and how seriously we're supposed to take their boasting. There are two kinds of people who make promises like the ones the Logans make to Joe Bang: hotshots and idiots. The characters in this film are drawn with broad enough strokes that they could go either way.

The Logans and the Bangs—including Joe's younger brothers, Sam and Fish (Brian Gleeson and Jack Quaid), one of whom claims to be a computer expert who knows . But sometimes they sound like characters from one of those Coen brothers movies filled with dimwitted braggarts—think . Only Keough, the granddaughter of Elvis Presley, seems as rooted in life as the screenplay's references to NASCAR fandom, the child beauty pageant circuit, contaminated groundwater, and the fall of the mining industry. Hi-Def Quality Violet (2017) here. Advertisement. You may also wonder if this is the kind of film that believes in curses.

Some films do, some don't, and others leave you guessing. There are no curses in . Things go well enough early on in . Is the movie's title sincere, ironic, or neither? All questions are answered in due time. The screenplay is credited to Rebecca Blunt, supposedly a young first- timer getting her big break, but it’s an open secret that it was really written by Soderbergh’s wife Jules Asner, who hails from West Virginia.

She partly based Jimmy, a faded high school football star, on Channing Tatum, who grew up poor in Alabama, Mississippi and Florida, and was headed for a college football scholarship until he wrecked his knee and turned to stripping and modeling instead (see the Tatum/Soderbergh . Soderbergh directs the script (and edited and shot it under pseudonyms—a Soderbergh family tradition, it seems) with his characteristic smoothness, moving through the story so deftly that you don't realize you've already gone from point A to point B until you're already en route to point C. There’s no wasted motion.

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Everything happens as it does for a reason. There are points where you might assume that the film is rushing through incidents that it can’t adequately explain or justify, or just flat- out forgetting to give details that would make a character’s actions make sense. But that proves not to be the case. The film gives out information on a need- to- know basis: if you don’t need it, you won’t know it. Soderbergh's camera is constantly framing scenes and moving through space in order to conceal or reveal information about the characters' motives and the progress of the heist.

Some shots are structured like well- wrought jokes—one where you think you know where the story is headed, then laugh out loud when it takes you someplace else. A lot of times you have no idea what you're looking at or why it's important until Soderbergh moves a bit to the left or shifts focus to make you go, .

Soderbergh is one of them. And a couple of characters who are introduced with great fanfare (notably a clinic worker played by Katherine Waterston, and an FBI agent played by Hilary Swank who snarls like Clint Eastwood) don't make as much of an impression as they should. But it's precision- tooled entertainment made by experts, and sometimes more than that. Watchingit is like finding money in the pocket of a coat that you haven’t worn in years.