Worst Sci- Fi & Fantasy Movies That Had No Excuse. Bad sci- fi and fantasy movies aren’t merely the province of low- budget quickies. Sometimes all the money and talent in Hollywood can’t save the world from celluloid disasters.

So, rather than just a list of bad movies, this is a list of bad movies that had no excuse: movies by respected filmmakers, or from major studios. Movies with box office stars, or sequels to other movies that were great. These are the epic fails of fantasy and sci- fi. And this time, the list has been compiled not from a reader vote, but by an panel comprising the SFX team, the SFX bloggers and a few of our special friends, including Paul Cornell, Joe Abercrombie, Jayne Nelson and Steve O’Brien. So feel free to call us all sorts of names. That’s when you begin to realise the folly of basing a film on a ’6.

TV show format that has “weekly episodic format” hardwired into its DNA. In the small screen the concept of “lost” in space was merely a hook upon which to hang stories. In the film, “lost” needs to become the plot engine. Sadly, screen director Stephen Hopkins and screenwriter Akiva Goldsman lost the plot completely, and turned the film into an insipid, visually bland time travel tale about a father/son relationship. So where does that leave the women in the family? Ironically, in a story about the fourth dimension all females on board are reduced to two- dimensional clich. Gary Oldman continues to channel the camp spirit of the original Dr Zachary Smith as if he hasn’t got the memo about how this film version is playing it straight.

In the end, you think he’s made the right decision; if you have to appear in this dross you may as well have some fun while you’re there. Worst thing about it: Blawp, the CG space monkey, which actually looks less convincing than Zoonie the Lazoon in Gerry Anderson’s Fireball XL5 . The film was originally shot with Blawp being played by a Jim Henson Workshop creation, with the CGI version later slapped on over the top. They needn’t have bothered. Popeye (1. 98. 0) Director: Robert Altman. Legend has it that Robert Altman, director of such acclaimed movies as MASH and Nashville in the early ’7.

Channel specializing in science fiction, horror, and fantasy. Rollerball is in this list somewhere – but how high did it reach? Bad sci-fi and fantasy movies aren’t merely the province of low-budget quickies. Friends head off to the remote island of Martha's Vineyard to celebrate New Year's Eve and reconnect. As tensions rise, an unforeseen presence halts celebrations and. Witches have come in all shapes, sizes, and powers over the centuries, but there’s one thing they usually have in common: They’re women. Image’s powerful series.

Sci Fi Thriller Movies Christmas Eve (2015) Sci Fi Thriller Movies Christmas Eve (2015)

Popeye because, after a series of flops, he needed a hit to help him finance the kind of films he really wanted to make again. This is, in itself, not a bad plan. One fatal flaw – Popeye flopped. Very, very badly. Download Divx Resident Evil The Final Chapter (2017) Movie more. It’s not difficult to see why.

Although the film has been reclaimed by some strange revisionists as a misunderstood classic, the rest of just see a musical which has no decent musical numbers at all (well, can you name any? If you though all that talk about taxes was a bit dull and out- of- place in The Phantom Menace, then steer well clear of Popeye . The worst thing about it: The songs. They may have been written by Harry Nilsson (famous for such soaringly simple pop beauty as “Everybody’s Talkin’” and “Without You”) but there are no classics here. They range from forgettable to unlistenable, made even worse by the range of irritating comedy voices they’re sung in (Robin Williams as Popeye sings like a goat on helium and Bluto sounds like Krusty the Clown).

Johnny Mnemonic (1. Director: Robert Longo. The idea of William Gibson, the author who defined cyberpunk, writing the screenplay to a film based on another of his cyberpunk stories seemed so exciting back in the early ’9. This was going to be Neuromancer on screen, surely? Sadly, Gibson proved to be one of those writers whose talents didn’t extend to screenplays. Although based on a thoroughly enticing idea – that Keanu Reeve’s head is so empty, you could fill it with data and use him as some kind of digital carrier pigeon – once you get past the set- up, the film descends into an incoherent series of set pieces randomly cut and pasted from various Gibson stories.

Reeves’s standout acting moment is a rant about room service – “Listen. You listen to me. You see that city over there? THAT’S where I’m supposed to be.

Not down here with the dogs, and the garbage, and the f**king last month’s newspapers blowing back and forth. I’ve had it with them, I’ve had it with you, I’ve had it with ALL THIS – I WANT ROOM SERVICE!!!” The Oscar is still in the post.. Worst thing about it: The psychic dolphin – it’s an idea that works on paper, but just looks embarrassingly naff on screen (not helped by the fact that the film came out while sea. Quest DSV, which featured an irritating talking dolphin, was airing on TV).

Dungeons And Dragons (2. Director: Courtney Solomon.

Quite where the $3. There are home made Lord Of The Rings skits on You. Tube these days that are better looking. From the gaudy sets, to the plastic props, to the Pound Shop fancy dress costumes and the inept FX, this is a symphony of crapness. The acting is uniformly terrible (and there are some good actors here too – Jeremy Irons, Thora Birch), as if all the cast is in a pact to piss off the director as much as possible (and yes, that is Tom Baker in the photo).

In fact, it’s so terrible, that under normal circumstances it would be much higher in a “worst of” list, except that in this case, we think everybody involved knew it was a bit crap. There’s a dwarf and an elf in it, because there are dwarves and elves in the game, but they have sod all to do except look ridiculous.

Spider- Man III (2. Director: Sam Raimi. So much has been written about the “failure” of Spider- Man 3 , it easy to forget it was actually a massive hit – in terms of box office the biggest of the three Raimi/Spidey films.

So Raimi clearly made a crowd- pleaser if not a fan pleaser. Part of the problem was one of expectation. The first two Spider- Man films were both deliriously good. Raimi had defined a new way of telling superhero films on screen. But then inexplicably, he seemed to transform, Jekyll & Hyde style, from Burton- Raimi to Schumacher- Raimi, giving us, in Spider- Man 3 , a film that suffered the same overblown overload of elements as Batman Forever and Batman And Robin (though thankfully with fewer puns). Too many villains (Venom, Green Goblin, Sandman); too many plotlines; too many gimmicks (disco dancing Peter Parker!). The film in itself isn’t that bad, but as the third part of an otherwise outstanding trilogy, it felt, and still feels for many, like some kind of betrayal of trust.

The worst things about it: Venom being completely and utterly wasted. Though the dance routine comes close. Episode II has a middle, a middle and more middle, and none of it is very interesting. And while Episode I had some ropey dialogue, it didn’t go anywhere nears as low as Episode II ’s “I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.” The worst thing about it: C3.

PO’s inability to SHUT THE F**K UP! Robo. Cop III (1. Director: Fred Dekker Robo. Cop 2 may have lacked the wit, social satire and human story of the original film, but it was a competently made, entertaining follow- up. With a plot borrowed from *batteries not included (we kid you not – it’s “plucky homeowners versus eviction by nasty businessmen”), it’s a cheap, lame effort, which throws in gimmicks like Ninjabots in a failed effort to liven things up.

Frank Miller may be credited as a screenwriter, but little of his input remains. A better proof of the law of diminishing returns is difficult to find. The worst thing about it: When Robo. Before I Wake (2015) Video Download. Cop suddenly grows wings and flies. Judge Dredd (1. 99.

Director: Danny Cannon. With a new incarnation of 2. AD ’s legendary lawman rumbling towards the big screen, spare a thought for Hollywood's first swing at it. It had so much promise! A much- loved comic property, a multi- million dollar budget plus a supporting cast of Max von Sydow's calibre, it would be our first chance to see Mega- City One brought to life. But lumbered with Sylvester Stallone as the lead (no way they'd draft in a mega- star and then keep his face covered up!) and handed to a green director, it pleased neither fans nor mainstream audiences.