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The Best and Worst Time Travel Movies. From hot tubs to De. Loreans. It's not just the best thing to happen to movie titles since Snakes on a Plane; the new comedy Hot Tub Time Machine (opening Friday, March 2. The new film depicts a group of friends who are transported back to 1. Below, we look at the best and worst movies featuring time travel, starting with the good.

The best time travel movies The rules are simple: Where movies have Metascores, they must be listed in order from highest to lowest. If an older movie is not in Metacritic's database (and thus does not have a Metascore), we have slotted it where we feel it belongs. We are also forbidden from going back in time and murdering our own parents. Fox) 3. 0 years into the past. A perfect blend of humor and an interesting, self- contained story (naturally, there were two sequels), . Future governor Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg assassin transported backward in time from a post- apocalyptic future to prevent the birth of a future rebel leader.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Means of Travel: A Klingon Bird- of- Prey that slingshots around the Sun. Remember, the even numbered . Watch Full Maurice (2017) 2002. The funniest of all the Trek films, .

Wells' classic novel was this 1. UK, directed by George Pal. An Oscar- winner for its visual effects, . But when Jack the Ripper uses the machine to escape to the future - - 1.

San Francisco - - Wells (Malcolm Mc. Dowell) follows to track down the killer. Star Trek. 20. 09.

Means of Travel: A black hole propels two ships back in time. J. J. Abrams' commercially- successful reboot of the Star Trek franchise used time travel as a way to reintroduce old characters without needing to adhere to canon. As a result of intervention from the future, a young Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the original series Enterprise crew will now follow a different timeline through what will no doubt be a number of sequels, including one coming in 2.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Means of Travel: Time- turner. While time travel movies generally fall under the heading . Although time travel is not the major focus of the story, young Hermione does use a magical time- turner device both to attend extra classes (something we would not have done with our time machine, thank you) and to go back a few hours in time to save the day. Monkeys. 19. 96. 74. Means of Travel: A time machine. Terry Gilliam's trippy thriller (based on the French short .

Bruce Willis plays a criminal who is transported back in time from a post- apocalyptic future in an attempt to prevent the outbreak of a virus that wipes out most of the world's population. Peggy Sue Got Married.

Means of Travel: A fainting spell. A woman (the Oscar- nominated Kathleen Turner) faints at her 2.

A rare 1. 98. 0s hit for director Francis Ford Coppola, this sweet- natured comedy also starred an odd- voiced Nicolas Cage and a very young Jim Carrey. Time Bandits. 19. Means of Travel: A map of space and time. The second entry for Terry Gilliam on this list was co- written by the director with fellow Monty Python alumnus Michael Palin. The PG- rated fantasy follows the fantastical adventures of an 1.

Robin Hood and Napoleon and battling an evil force known as Evil. John Cleese and Sean Connery are among the stars. Donnie Darko. 20. Buy Wonder Woman (2017) Online.

Means of Travel: It's complicated. For a movie that references a (fictional) book called . Still, Richard Kelly's confusing cult classic (which is complicated further by the release of an alternate version) is set into motion by the arrival of a falling jet engine from the future. Or is it? 1. 2Star Trek: First Contact. Means of Travel: A Borg- created temporal vortex. The only decent Star Trek film to feature the . The catch, of course, is that this time, the Arnold Schwarzenegger model is the good guy, sent by resistance leader John Connor to protect his younger self from assassination by a shapeshifting T- 1.

Back to the Future Part III1. Means of Travel: A flux capacitor- equipped De. Lorean plus a flux capacitor- equipped locomotive.

Of the pair, . Although too complex for some viewers, the film examines how the lives of two engineers change (changed? Now that's bogus. Partly attributable to the fact that we only have a few reviews in our database, and partly because critics didn't fully appreciate its excellence, this classic comedy does indeed have a low score, but it's not representative of the film's goofy likability and enduring popularity. Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter play two slackers who travel through time to get help with their high school history presentation. Escape from the Planet of the Apes. Means of Travel: A repaired spaceship propelled through time by the shockwave of future Earth's nuclear destruction. Generally regarded as the best of all the .

The film works almost as a reverse of the original, with three apes from the future crash- landing on the human- inhabited past Earth of 1. Timecop. 19. 94n/an/a. Means of Travel: A time machine. Okay, so it might not qualify as a good movie - - at least, according to conventional notions of good and bad. But on the Jean- Claude Van Damme scale, this story of a federal agent working for the Time Enforcement Commission (which is charged with preventing the use of time travel for personal gain) is actually quite entertaining, and ranks as the actor's biggest worldwide hit. The film doesn't make any attempt at scientific plausibility, but it does provide a nice preview of what the world will be like in 2. Hot Tub Time Machine.

Means of Travel: A hot tub. It's too early to tell if . When the time machine is destroyed at the end, it means that many of the film's events never took place. If only there were some way for viewers to get those 9. A Sound of Thunder. Means of Travel: A wormhole.

Based on a short story by Ray Bradbury, Peter Hyams' film focuses on a group of time tourists who go on a prehistoric hunting expedition, only to interfere with history. The film is even dumber than that Metascore would suggest, had terrible special effects, and was a major flop to boot; reportedly made for close to $8.

U. S. 4. Pokemon 4. Ever. 20. 02. 25.

Means of Travel: Magic! Known in Japan by the much catchier title . Trust us when we say that it's for diehard fans only. Time Changer. 20. Means of Travel: A time machine. After a disagreement with a colleague, a Bible professor travels from the 1. The dialogue is laughably bad (assuming that you don't fall asleep first), and the movie bombed at the box office.

Millennium. 19. 89n/an/a. Means of Travel: A time machine known as . Humanity's solution? Go into the past to abduct fresh humans to repopulate the future.

Throw in a romance and a plane disaster, add Kris Kristofferson and Cheryl Ladd, and mix with some of the most laughably bad effects, dialogue, and performances you could ask for, and the result is an agreeably campy B- movie. Star Trek Generations.

Means of Travel: An . But to do so in such a lackluster movie was an insult to Trekkies everywhere. Thanks to the magic of time travel, members of the original cast (but not Spock or Bones) and the Next Generation crew were able to appear in the same film, including a few non- riveting cooking and horse riding scenes shared by Enterprise captains Kirk and Picard.

Freejack. 19. 91n/an/a. Means of Travel: Time machines.

A cyberpunk movie that stars Emilio Estevez, Mick Jagger, and Anthony Hopkins? What could go wrong? Critics hated this sci- fi thriller about .

The film depicts a college student who is able to travel back to his own past and alter events that happened to him, although at a considerable cost. Black Knight. 20. Means of Travel: A magical moat.

Let's start by saying it's a Martin Lawrence movie. And we'll finish by saying it's a Martin Lawrence movie that finds the comedian transported from a present day medieval- themed amusement park to the actual Middle Ages. As New York Daily News' Jami Bernard writes, it . Though the film liberally (and obviously) borrows from many better movies, it does feature some decent action sequences. Just Visiting. 20.

The Mummy Movie Review & Film Summary (2. By now you’ve probably read a number of scathing reviews of “The Mummy,” Universal’s inaugural entry in a possibly grievously ill- advised “Dark Universe” franchise, wherein the legendary studio intends to reboot its most Famous Monsters of Filmland. Perhaps I’m becoming jaded in my old age, but I was more amused than appalled.

Don’t get me wrong. I got sand in my synapses during an early scene in which Tom Cruise, as a looter named Nick Morton (oh, “Mort,” I get it now), and his sidekick, played by Jake Johnson, casually slaughter a bunch of “Iraqi insurgents” trying to track down a mysterious treasure. Oh, sure, filmmakers, by all means use a tragic and unnecessary war that’s still yielding horrific consequences for the world as the backdrop for your stupid horror movie plot machinations, no problem here. Advertisement. And, of course, there’s the movie’s very old- school sexism.

The other is faux- archeologist/genuine anti- evil secret agent Jenny (Annabelle Wallis) who’s mainly around to be rescued by Nick, and whose surface venality suggests that his business card describes him as a “lovable rogue.” So yes, should one choose to take offense, one certainly may. But I have to be honest—speaking of venality, I found something almost admirable about the film’s cheek. It’s amazingly relentless in its naked borrowing from other, better horror and sci- fi movies that I was able to keep occupied making a checklist of the movies referenced. At its opening, remnants of a past civilization are discovered while workmen are tunneling underground for a new subway route. That’s from “Quatermass and the Pit,” aka “Five Million Miles to Earth.” As many other reviewers have noted, once Jake Johnson’s character buys in and is reborn as a wisecracking undead sidekick warning Nick about how he’s been cursed by incarnation- of- evil Ahmanet, it’s “American Werewolf in London” time, albeit with PG- 1. Griffin Dunne’s face in the earlier movie. A woman whose kiss drains the life force out of those who receive it, from the wacky space- vampire movie “Lifeforce”?

A brain- draining insect in the ear from “Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan”? Spavined slapstick undead assaulters out of “Evil Dead”? Underwater fights with the undead out of Lucio Fulci’s “Zombie”? Don’t even get me started on the, um, appropriation of a famous line from the Universal monster movie “Bride of Frankenstein.” But that’s life, and that movie literally IS Universal’s property. There have been a lot of crocodile tears already shed about the fact that The Mighty Tom Cruise has allowed himself to be used in such dreck, and also that Russell Crowe has been compelled to continue to sink into a form of self- parody by appearing as the head of Jenny’s anti- evil agency, a character named Dr.

Henry Jekyll, and yeah, it’s the same guy. Or some iteration of the same guy. As it happens, Dr. Jekyll was never one of the Universal Studios monsters, but the character IS in the public domain, so I guess the corporate overlords of the Dark Universe figured “what the you- know- what.”  Advertisement. Anyway, I cannot feel too aggrieved for either star. As Richard Harris and Richard Burton found out for themselves many years before Crowe came along, there comes a time in the career of every loose- cannon macho actor where the any- port- in- a- financial- year- storm approach to career management is all for the best.

As for Cruise, he is known for his try- anything- once sense of cinematic adventure, and he does like his franchises. The Morton character is admittedly more of a callow nothingburger than any he’s played. And given how the movie ends I’m a little disappointed that he wasn’t named Larry Talbot. But who knows, maybe he’ll be obliged to change it for the next installment. Which I am looking forward to, out of nothing but base curiosity.