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A film by Michèle Hozer "If you want to know how sugar politics really works, see this film!" - Marion Nestle author of Soda Politics. Watch trailer. Let's build a Giant pink Bunny marshmallow Peeps! Then lets find yellow Peeps chicks (chickens) and make a farm on the mountain.

We'd be horrified if our kids munched through a bowl of sugar cubes, and yet we may not realise how much sugar there is in some of the things we give them to eat and drink throughout the day. Sugar occurs naturally in fruit, vegetables and dairy products, but the real problem comes from added sugar in things such as fizzy drinks, cakes and cereals. Eating and drinking too much sugar means extra calories, which causes fat to build up inside the body. This can lead to heart disease, some cancers or type 2 diabetes later in life. At present, approximately one in five children aged 4- 5- years- old and one in three children aged 1. The Change. 4Life Sugar Swaps campaign is a simple way to help you cut down on sugar and get you on the path to a healthy balanced diet.

These small simple swaps can be made at key occasions throughout the day including breakfast, after school snacks, puddings and drinks. Sugary cereals v porridge with berries. Film Noir Download The Big Sick (2017). Breakfast a great way to start the day and get energy for the day ahead. Swap sugary cereals for plain cereal such as plain porridge, wholewheat biscuits or shredded wholegrain. Boost the benefits by adding chopped fruit. If your kids struggle to give up their favourite cereals, try mixing small amounts with the plain cereal to ease the change.

Watch New That Sugar Film (2015) Online

Watch New That Sugar Film (2015) Online Radio

Watch New That Sugar Film (2015) Online

Cakes and sweets v unsalted nuts/fruited teacakes. Kids get hungry, especially after a long day at school. But swap the high- sugar biscuits, cakes and sweets for healthier alternatives such as unsalted nuts or fruited teacakes. Suburbicon (2017) Online there. You could also cut up fruit and vegetables to keep them going until dinner time. Sugary drinks v water/sugar- free drinks. When you’re shopping for fizzy drinks, why not go for the sugar- free or diet alternatives? Instead of sugary, fizzy drinks, try lower- fat milks for a change or sparkling water with ice.

Ice cream v sugar- free jelly/low- fat lower- sugar yogurt. Swap high- sugar puddings for refreshing fruit options that will count towards their five a day – just make sure any tinned fruit is in juice, not syrup. To start with, swap a couple of puddings a week to a sugar- free jelly, low- fat or lower- sugar yoghurt until everyone gets used to the change. If your kids are having a dessert when eating out, why not get them to share a pudding. How do I know which foods are high in sugar? Different brands put varying amounts of sugar in their products, so the only real way to be sure of the sugar content is by looking at the label.

Watch New That Sugar Film (2015) Online Translator

More than 2. 2. 5g of total sugars per 1. Less than 5g of total sugars per 1. TV chef and author, Lorraine Pascale says: . Remember when you chomp on a chocolate bar that your kids will copy you.

England have tooth decay. Get started with our Very Berry Porridge recipe.

Ingredients. 1 cup of porridge. Low- fat Milk ( 1 cup or as much as desired)Method. Tip the porridge into a bowl. Add the milk and stir. Put in the microwave for 9. Take out and stir.

Wash the berries, tip into the porridge and enjoy. Sign up for your free Sugar Swaps pack.

To help you cut back on sugar, Change. Life have put together a free Sugar Swaps pack full of recipes, money off vouchers, support and tips from the likes of chef Lorraine Pascale, Olympian Sally Gunnell and other parents. Armed with this practical advice, you can start making simple swaps to cut down on sugar. Click here for your free pack now.