Most Disappointing Movies Of 2. Like every year, 2. Just this past month, we were treated to the first Star Wars standalone film, Rogue One, which shattered expectations at the box office and received very favorable reviews.

Unfortunately, for every Rogue One, there were four or five movies in 2. In a year with an endless amount of sequels, prequels, reboots and brand new franchises, there were a considerable amount of letdowns that didn’t measure up to expectations. The next 1. 5 films on this list are some of the biggest disappointments of the year. All of these flicks had massive hype surrounding their release, whether it was because of the talent involved (actors, directors, writers, etc.) or the source material that they were based on. Every critic and movie fan was eagerly counting down the days for these movie premieres, but in the end, the result just didn’t live up to the high standards that we had set in our minds. By no means are we saying that these are the worst movies of 2.

Title Release date Box office revenue Rotten Tomatoes Metacritic Original game publisher; Pokémon: The First Movie: July 18, 1998 November 10, 1999 (North America).

  1. D23 is upon us this weekend, and with it, a new behind-the-scenes glimpse at the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. But although the movie didn’t offer us a full.
  2. Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom will be out on November 10, 2017. It’s coming to PS4 and PC, unlike the first game, which was a PS3 exclusive. Hopefully combat.

Watch32 - Watch Movies on - Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Itunes Movies For Ipod Lemon (2017). Ratonhnhaké:ton (1756 – unknown), often known by the adopted name of Connor, was a Master.

Here are the 1. 5 Most Disappointing Movies Of 2. Jason Bourne. Why We Were Excited: Hollywood loves bringing the beloved movie franchises of yesteryear back to life; just look at what its done for the revitalization of classics like Star Wars, Mad Maxand Jurassic Park. This past 2. 01. 6, Hollywood tried resurrecting another beloved movie series with Jason Bourne, a film which should have filled the gaping hole in the franchise left by the Matt- Damon- less Bourne Legacy. All of the pieces to make a fantastic Bourne film were there. The director of the second and third installments, Paul Greengrass, was finally returning to the series, and better yet, Matt Damon would be reprising the role he first made so popular in 2.

The action- packed trailers and positive buzz were more than enough to finally get fans excited about a Bourne sequel that was worth the wait. Why We Were Disappointed: Unfortunately, we will have to keep waiting for a worthy successor to The Bourne Ultimatum, a movie that wrapped up our hero’s journey so well that it makes the story in this newest installment seem a tad unnecessary. Greengrass and Damon had both said they wouldn’t return to the franchise unless they found a story worth telling, but the narrative in Jason Bourne ironically has very little to do with Bourne himself. Most of the actors seem to be going through the motions here, and while there is a fantastic car chase in the final act, it just doesn’t have that momentum the original trilogy had. Not to mention that some of the best bits of the trailer were cut out or changed in the final cut — including that brutal knockout punch. Warcraft. Why We Were Excited: The world has yet to have a truly exceptional movie based on a video game.

At this point, the task seems impossible, especially considering the recent reviews for Assassin’s Creed. Earlier this year, many believed that Warcraft had the potential for greatness, if only for the fact that rising talent Duncan Jones was behind the driver’s seat. Responsible for character driven sci- fi movies like Moon and Source Code, it seemed like the up- and- coming director would be the perfect fit to bring the popular MMO game with a massive fanbase and a ton of lore to the big screen. Why We Were Disappointed: The movie was a critical disappointment in a pretty major way, with a Rotten Tomatoes score of 2. Metacritic total of just 3. Critics lashed out for the film being too melancholy, while the games never took themselves too seriously.

Most complained about the lack of any significant character development, the stilted dialog, and the over- saturation of CGI (though the quality of the latter was praised for the most part). The film absolutely bombed at the U. S. Impressive international sales raised the worldwide take to over $4. The film’s underwhelming critical and financial reception likely mean that we won’t be returning to this fantasy world anytime soon.

Watch The Hole Movie Assassin`S Creed (2016)

The Free State of Jones. Why We Were Excited: The Free State of Jones stars Academy Award winner Matthew Mc. Conaughey as Newton Knight, a man who leads an armed rebellion against the Confederacy in Jones County during the American Civil War. The synopsis alone makes the film worthy of enormous levels of hype.

Mc. Conaughey is always a joy to watch on screen, not to mention the fact that the movie was written and directed by Gary Ross, who also gave us the emotionally resonant Seabiscuit and Pleasantville. Judging from the trailers, it seemed that we were going to get an action- packed and drama- filled Civil War movie reminiscent of films like The Patriot and Glory. Why We Were Disappointed: For a movie about an armed rebellion in the midst of the Civil War, The Free State of Jones comes across as surprisingly boring. A film with this kind of premise should have been exciting, dramatic, and moving, but sadly, the Civil War biopic feels more tedious than it needed to be, with long- winded funeral and war speeches taking up time that should have been devoted to fights and battle sequences.

The movie comes off as far too educational, and audiences are left wondering why they should even care about any the folks on screen. The acting across the board is good, especially Mc. Conaughey, but it isn’t enough to save the lethargic pacing. Like most films on this list, The Free State of Jonesisn’t a terrible movie, but it is one that couldn’t rise above its drab limitations.

Knight of Cups. Why We Were Excited: Terrance Malick is the kind of auteur filmmaker that only makes a movie once in a blue moon. Along the few films he’s responsible for are 1. The Thin Red Line (a sweeping and brutally realistic depiction of the conflict at Guadalcanal during World War II) as well as the cerebral Tree of Life, which split critics right down the middle with its philosophical narrative.

His resume may not be perfect, but Knight of Cups seemed to be a sure- fire hit, with actors like Christian Bale and Kate Blanchett and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Birdman, The Revenant) on board. Watch New The Challenge (2017) Online. Why We Were Disappointed: Though there are some lovely visuals throughout the film, Knight of Cups is bogged down by a narrative that just doesn’t seem to go anywhere. Granted, most of Malick’s films are about a spiritual journey told through unconventional cinematic means, but his latest effort is far too self- indulgent to invoke any sort of involvement from the viewer. The whole production feels rather sterile, with not even Lubezki’s usually cinematography being able to breathe some life into the project. Though we respect filmmakers that like to take risks, Malick’s vision here is just too tedious and redundant to live up to its potential. Collateral Beauty. Why We Were Excited: Just look at the cast.

Will Smith, Edward Norton, Kate Winslet, Michael Pe. How could we not get excited for this movie?

Arriving just in time for the holidays, Collateral Beauty opened in theaters this past week and looked to become the next It’s a Wonderful Life. The cast alone should have put this flick on any cinephile’s list of must- see movies, and it doesn’t hurt to have an experienced director like David Frankel at the helm. Why We Were Disappointed: Our high hopes were shattered when critics complained that Collateral Beauty was nothing more than sappy, sentimental Oscar- bait.

The fantastical drama was heavily criticized for following all- too- familiar beats to win over the audience’s sympathy, scoring an abysmal rating of just 2. Metacritic. Despite the A- list talent behind the production, the movie is choppy and disjointed, with far too much emphasis put on the already preposterous plot. Though it has some convincing performances, Collateral Beauty isn’t nearly as good as it should be for the cast involved, who honestly all deserve better. The Boss. Why We Were Excited: Melissa Mc. Carthy is certainly one of the best comedic talents working in showbiz today.