Stieg Larsson - Author of the Millennium Trilogy . Its long but its still my two cents worth. Fourth Book: Lagercrantz and Dad/brother fail Stieg.

Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. Weiss and director Matt Shakman break down how they made 'The Spoils of War.'.

I purchased Girl. I went to bed at 4: 3. I drank my morning coffee. I am disappointed It is a good tale of daring- due but, instead of a good graphic novel it slides down into a comic book. I found the Millennium Trilogy to be so visual that I was convinced that Larsson had, like me, a visual awareness that was cinematic and that often offers the graphic novelist an opportunity. I am aware that Lisbeth has been drawn in this format though I have never seen it up close.

David Lagercrantz put Lisbeth in a comic book as a maybe unconscious betrayal of his opinion of Larsson’s books, He has her doing things Child would have his 6 ft 5 in 2. Jack Reacher do, only faster. It betrays Lisbeth’s story, as I see it. I see Lisbeth as a mix of a gifted young adult whose emotional life has been warped and stilted by constant violence in her childhood culminating in traumatic events. She is frustrated and abandoned by all adult authority, spending her puberty strapped to a bed with a pedophile hovered above her. She has stayed below the horizon since waiting out High School (don. Swedes call their adolescent socialization institutions).

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Being small in a milieu that is lawless, she has learned to defend herself by outright intense attack and flight: witness the encounter that breaks her computer. Then we are told about the rape where she has under- estimated her new guardian, Bjurmann and she is overpowered and then, when the bastard is done, she limps off and broods on the subject. She puts together a plan, gathers information, her video tape, adds a taser and a tattoo implement and strikes fast and resolutely, pressing the advantage of surprise to quickly implement that plan. Lisbeth uses her successful understanding of how to defend herself and Blomkvist by a full- bodied, two handed swipe(s) at Vanger with a weapon at hand and then giving chase relentlessly (in the book, without a firearm and without Blomkvist’s permission). She does not kill Martin because he kills himself. In “Girl who played with Fire” Larsson outlines Lisbeth learning to be a warrior.

Lisbeth uses learned tactics on Granada to thwart the deadly plans of the guy who is intent on using the hurricane to cover the murder of his wife. She uses a found weapon but does not kill him but she does allow the storm to do it. She is caught unaware shortly after returning to Sweden, but again uses surprise and quick, intense, and violent tactics to exploit her appearance (small, skinny, female) to the disadvantage of her assailant. She does retreat effectively. She takes her hardware even when she does not expect to need it when she goes out to her Bjurmann’s cabin in search of her papers and, when the Bikers arrive, she knows she is in for a fight and that her only chance of survival is to deploy all her resources quickly and without hesitation. The result is she adds the Makarov pistol to her kit and uses a Harley- Davidson to get clear.

She recognizes one of them as the one who assaulted her and shoots him in the foot—she does not kill him. She takes her inventory of weapons to confront Zala and Niedermann, whom she anticipates only vaguely. Her plan, this time, is not thought through because her accumulated methods of self- defense have proved sufficient in the past. Lisbeth, hose experiences with Milton Security should have informed her, finds her tactics are not adequate to the the job because of electronic security equipment. Her screw- up gets her killed—almost. Still, her tactics serve her when she digs herself out of her grave but in her weakened state she does not kill Zala and she fails to press her advantage, still surprise effects a scare in Niedermann’s warped, superstitious perceptions.

She is learning the whole time. Lagercrantz takes this character through a series of actions from a distance where she defeats opponents trained to kill and the reader has only has a vague narrative of her progress to that point, other than some reference to workouts in a boxing gym. She remains a static Lone Ranger figure. In passing; his Camille is an even worse cut- out figure who lacks any kind of reality—she cannot even be described except as some sort of siren who fogs the mind of men. It is goofy and her character is allowed to escape for the next book like a comic book arch- villain – think the Joker or any of them From Marvel or DC–an interchangeable cardboard villain.

A missed opportunity to create a really interesting character. None of the subsidiary characters are taken anywhere new: Inspector Bubble has some sort of religious musings and meets a girl, Modig, except for her orange flavored chocolate has no developemnt and Ekstrom remains a clueless weasel. I don’t even want to mention all the computer crap except that another opportunity to inform is missed by a lack of effort. Some characters around it are moderatly interesting even as they lack credibility.

I suspect it is really safe to cite N. S. A. Over- reach in Sweden—no insight into things Swedish other than a bunch of greedy or ambitious bureaucrats—all cardboard cut- outs. This is the only nod toward Larsson’s political awareness. Logercrantz insults the whole of the Millennium series by creating stereotypes such that it will go straight to comic books and not even appeal to a Graphic Novel.

The movie will be by a modern day Hanna- Barbara type studio, who will job out the animation to the Philippines, or some such and put it straight to DVD and it will appear on the Streaming sites that offer goofy stuff with commercials for deodorant and food choppers. And, I liked “I Am Zlatan” and I am not sorry I bought it instead of getting it from the Library. I heatedly object to having paid for this effort: a weak- ass bundle of money grubbing prose. I think this ends my concern for this topic- turtle.

Voodoo Prophecies & Revelations. NEW YEAR - 2. 00. YEAR OF EARTH RAT - The Chinese New Year came on Feb 8th, with the New Moon. The rat is the animal that always flees the ship before it sinks. The earth is our larger community and so I am writing now about our Sacred Earth, sharing some of my feelings, views, commitments, suggestions as well as some interesting scientific facts which have surfaced just recently.

Certainly our daily lives often seem more and more perilous and stressful by the day. On the other hand there is a huge amount of work to be done, for individuals who care about themselves, their communities and the well- being of our planet as a whole. Most of us can do very simple things, many of which cost nothing.

I am making a partial list below: 1) Get a length of chicken wire (or a garbage pail with pre- drilled holes if you can afford it) and set up a compost pile for all your biodegradable trash 2) Get a chimenea (one of those Mexican clay outdoor chimneys) and burn your paper trash (NO plastics) leaves, sticks etc. Pier I is selling for less than $2, very handy large canvas bags for your grocery shopping.

Shun plastic bags. They do not tear like plastic bags, you can put more in each one and they tend to not spill over all over you car either.

PLASTICS do not degrade, they just break down into smaller and smaller pieces but the polymer does not degrade. So this is way more important than it may seem at first. Go through your house and see how many items are made of plastic. You'll be appalled! Ok, you can't do it all at once but each time you need to replace and item, shun plastic and artificial stuff, try a more natural item.

Support free democratic societies by buying products made there and boycott products from undemocratic states or countries with poor human rights record. This includes Boycotting All Products From China until Tibet is liberated and until China stops supporting Sudan in its genocide of the people of Darfur. I know it - can't do a thing about it.

Write and campaign against the Olympics to be held in China. Public pressure has already convinced Steven Spielberg to withdraw his artistic direction for the opening celebration. Go through your house and replace these light bulbs!

Again you don't have to do it at once but when an old bulb burns out, put in one of the new spiral ones. Do not support Big Oil - instead buy from your local refineries.

This is a lot easier to do than it seems and you'll save money as well. Eat healthy and simply , whenever buy organic or locally grown products. Wear natural fibers - cotton, silk, wool. Shun artificial medicines, instead consult a master herbalist, or a naturopath. There are excellent herbal teas, tinctures and homeopathic remedies available today which allow your body to recover naturally while strengthening your immune system so you do not fall sick over and over again. Plant a tree. Refrain from cutting existing trees. Adopt a pet - again, think if every single person adopted a pet - how wonderful THAT would be.

A cat can manage much better on its own, or even a rabbit, a bird, a snake, a turtle. Do not buy expensive animals from pet shops which only encourages irresponsible breeders, but visit your local shelters until you find the right pet for yourself. Kenneth says that complete devotion to one's pets leads to enlightment. Our sister temple cares for 3 dogs and 3 birds. My own Madre de Agua Spiritual Temple now cares for 2 goats, 2 dogs (both rescued), and 2 snakes, plus some fish in the pond. Feed the squirrels (they deserve our love too) and let the critters come.

As we center ourselves, we are closer to the world of Spirit. My healing work and self- healing began with more traditional Native American Medicine - the Earth as the foundation. Blessed by the Great Spirit. So for this year of 2. I have chosen to offer a new page - new services which however are not new as I have been practicing and honing them to perfection for many many years. But it is time for me to put those resources out into the planetary community for the benefit of all. Well, there just happens to be an asteroid named 9.

Apophis and which was just discovered in 2. Then this was changed to telling us that it may pass very near our planet, but without striking it. Yet we were told, don't discount it entirely because as it passes us by, it may be pulled into a a gravitational .

But then it was revealed that it will come very near our Earth, in 2. Just in time to tie in nicely with the Maya Prophecies (see below). NASA is considering firing a missile towards the asteroid to plant a beacon onto it at the most appropriate time. MORE FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE MAYAN PROPHECIES, You will also be interested in the following: A recent article in View. Zone revealed a very interesting and recent discovery of astronomers and scientists: whereas we have always believed and certainly been taught that our Solar System is part and parcel of the great Milky Way, it seems that in fact this is all wrong. This conclusion was reached through a major project at the U.

The mapping project showed that the Milky Way is in fact devouring OUR galaxy !(the Sagittarius Dwarf - no I am not making this up). The study has been published in the Astrophysical Journal, showing the entire map of the Sagittarius galaxy which is ten thousand times smaller than the Milky Way. This phenomena, now exposed also answers the age- old question of why the Milky Way has always appeared to astronomers as being on an angle, a fact I can attest to from watching the beautiful Milky Way from the somewhere far out in the Atlantic and it did seem rather to be standing sideways.

Our vision is simply not equipped to see the interaction of the two galaxies but the new mapping has allowed scientists to view clearly Sagittarius in its entirety. It then became readily apparent that stars and clusters of stars have already been swallowed up by the Milky Way from their original parent galaxy, and our solar system is already within but can be traced back to its original parent Sagittarius parent.

What is even more interesting - particularly in view of the Maya prophecies - is that Sagittarius is now at a critical moment when it is hardly able to sustain itself because of the enormous gravitational pulls which it is being subjected to. This gobbling up of galaxies certainly has happened countless times in the history of the universe, however what is important to us is that now our Solar System is due to pass through the debris of Sagittarius. Again the scientists warn: . We have reached the higher energy equatorial disc region of the massive spiral arm. We have now been .

Whatever these changes are, they are all part of the natural birth, death, rebirth and transformation of the cosmos. For interested readers, I will be glad to forward the entire article I drew this information from and which also contains additional links. There is also more about the Maya Prophecies below on this same page - please scroll down. SO IN THIS YEAR 2.

YEAR OF THE EARTH RAT, IT IS TIME TO CENTER OURSELVES AND PREPARE AND HAVE CLEAR VISION AS WELL AS TO LOVE OUR PLANET AND OUR WORLD. Very humble he is, which makes him all the more endearing to us. Watch The Boy (2016) Free here. From those days came the spiritual treasure, the prayer which I am sharing above, a prayer that came to me and which I feel is a great asset in these days or economic and spiritual turbulence in the world. It is a good thing to read every morning and before retiring also at night and whenever one feels put off balance during the day too! The University of Indiana at Bloomington facilitated with great expertise and wonderful arrangements for H.

H. The lectures were very well attended. On the 3rd day, H. H. The little vacation of study and spiritual retreat also allowed me to visit with Rev. Louis Martinie, and his wonderful wife Mishlen Linden whose art work can be seen at www.